
Tantric Sex Is Not Related to Kamasutra

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Posted By Thomas Mabe

Most people believe that the Kamasutra is actually a handbook for easy tantric sex. However, that is quite untrue. There is a big difference between tantric sex and Kamasutra, but the line between them has become blurred due to modern philosophies and Western perspectives. What is neotantra, and how does the Kamasutra differ from modern tantric sex practices? Which one should you embrace in your sex life as well as your everyday life? Find out why tantric sex is not related to the Kamasutra!

What Is Tantra?

Tantra can have many definitions and interpretations based on where you look or who you ask. In its essence, the Sanskrit term means “to weave.” It refers to various esoteric traditions in Buddhism and Hinduism that date from 1 to 1,000 CE and onwards. There are lots of tantric spiritual traditions, including rituals, worship, yoga, medication, the use of yantras and mandalas, and of course, sexual and erotic practices. Yet, our society, modern sexual marketing, and popular culture have all had an influence in clouding our understanding of tantra and the Kamasutra.

Many believe that practicing tantra will teach them how to enhance their orgasms, please their partner like never before, or even overcome their sexual inhibitions and participate in orgies. However, what you should know about tantric sex is that it goes much deeper than that.

Essentially, tantra requires you to achieve supreme consciousness and become one with the universe. It enlightens us with the quintessential philosophy of “nothing exists that isn’t divine.” Tantra simply asks us to find supreme consciousness with a continuous focus on the divine vision. It treats the body as a temple and utilizes sexual energy as divine. That way, we can hope to reach spiritual transformation from all life’s activities and achieve “oneness” with ourselves, others, and the universe.

What Is Tantric Sex All About

So what is tantric sex? Well, it teaches you to understand the senses and thoughts of your partner through sexual activities. However, while it does contain a lot of intense sexual practices, it doesn’t focus solely on learning techniques and trying all sorts of kinky and unusual experiments. Actually, it’s about finding spiritual enlightenment through sexual bliss.

In fact, tantra is one of the only spiritual practices that treat sex as sacred and openly embrace sexual energy. Tantra also focuses on the chakras or the main energy centers in our bodies. It’s said that those centers express our mind-body connection. In a nutshell, the eroticism that you can find in tantra goes a step beyond techniques. It can lead to spiritual ecstasy through sexual and sensual bliss.

As you can see, traditional tantra is quite different compared to its Western perspectives. Since the 1960s, the Western world caught wind of only the sexual practices of tantra. Things like the wellness industry played a huge role in how Westerners exaggerated the sexual aspects of tantra as well as neotantra. This modern philosophy includes a Western and New Age interpretation of tantric sex. Still, many modern practitioners of neotantra do not separate the spiritual from the physical. Regardless of how we interpret and practice tantra as individuals, it still has many differences compared to the Kamasutra.

How Different Is the Kamasutra From Tantric Sex?

While tantric sex is used for spiritual enlightenment, the Kamasutra presents sex as an experience that is to be enjoyed solely for its pleasure. The Kamasutra is the oldest existing text that discusses our sexuality, and it dates back to approximately 400 BCE.

Moreover, the work is mainly focused on sex between two people who practice it for their enjoyment. It does contain some mentions of group sex and sacred sex/spiritual catharsis, but it is nowhere near as thorough as tantra in those aspects. In fact, many neotantra practices resemble the Kamasutra more than the traditional tantric ways. Conversely, you can view the Kamasutra as a “sex manual.”

The best way to interpret the Kamasutra is to view it as a guide on life, love, and living with a partner. As opposed to the spiritual side of tantra, the Kamasutra chiefly advises us on the pleasure-oriented aspects of our lives. It can teach us some valuable lessons in those fields.

For instance, it contains tips on healthy living (bathing, shaving, etc.). It also instructs men on how to seduce women and increase their desire for sex. You’ll also find lessons on embracing your partner’s naked body before intercourse, kissing, and satisfying their sexual urges.

Of course, the work discusses sex in much more detail than that, dividing it into exactly 64 separate sexual acts. While some believe the book is full of sex positions, it mentions the positions in relation to those 64 acts. The acts contain descriptions of fueling desire, kissing, moaning, and even biting or slapping. They also discuss oral sex and vaginal penetration and give advice on how to make sexual intercourse feel good. In modern times, people have also adapted the teachings of this work to newer techniques and ways to have sex.

Key Takeaways

Now that you know the difference between the Kamasutra and tantra, you can gain a better understanding of sex, pleasure, and life itself. Which approach would you pick? Of course, you can use the Kamasutra for advice on how to improve your sex life. However, if you need something that enlightens your spiritual life and offers a different perspective of sex, take some time and devote yourself to tantra.

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